Dive Course

Divemaster Course


With the WASE Divemaster course you become a professional diver, whether you are interested in a career in this field or just want to improve your knowledge and skills as a diver.

At Leila Diving you can choose between the course of 2 or 4 weeks. The 2 weeks course includes all the basic exercises and the theoretical knowledge required to get the patent but if you are interested to work as dive guide the 4 weeks course is more recommended.


Diving Center

Our Courses

Our expert instructors will accompany you on your dive course to teach you how to go deep and respect the environment, while having fun and in complete safety.
We issue licenses / Patent for all our courses.

Divemaster Course

Con il corso WASE Divemaster si diventa professionisti della subacquea, sia che siate interessati ad una carriera in questo campo, sia che vogliate solamente migliorare la vostra conoscenza e abilità come subacquei.

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WASE Rescue Diver Course

During a WASE Rescue Diver course you learn how to recognize possible problems and prevent them before they become potentially dangerous. Also, you will learn how to manage different situations effectively. In addition to be more acknowledged, a rescue diver is also a safer diver.

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WASE Advanced Open Water Diver Course

l corso WASE Advanced Open Water vi permetterà di accrescere la vostra esperienza e conoscenza del mondo della subacquea sotto la guida esperta di un istruttore. Il corso comprende l’immersione profonda, la navigazione subacquea e l’immersione notturna, più due immersioni a scelta.

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WASE Open Water Diver Course

It will take four days to obtain a WASE Open Water Diver patent/license. You will learn all the basics of diving, including everything related to diving equipment and the basic techniques of diving.

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WASE Scuba Diver Course

The ideal course for those who want to learn how to dive on holiday, without giving up the possibility to plan something else. During the course you will make with your instructor two dives in confined waters, three sessions of knowledge development and two dives in the sea.

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WASE Discover Scuba Diver Course

In half a day you can learn some basic diving exercises and try diving for the first time in the crystal clear waters of northern Sardinia. The exercises performed can be accredited for a possible subsequent course that will allow you to obtain your diving license.

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